A complete relandscaping and remodel turned a 1950s-era home into a work of art.
This extraordinary Park Estates custom home, designed and reconstructed by October 5, is undeniably a work of art. Offering superior design, where form and function converge, it attends to every detail with quality and perfection.
The homeowners wanted to focus their remodeling efforts on landscaping, allowing it several years to mature, before beginning the interior remodel.
Utilizing October 5’s design-build process, they discussed adding more privacy, water conservation, a focus on native plantings and, if possible, a small fruit orchard.
With the landscape beginning to mature, it was time to turn to the house. Originally constructed in 1953, the home had not undergone any remodeling or updating. During construction, the house was all but demolished, leaving only the rough framing and portions of the exterior stucco and siding. Earthquake updates, 200-amp electrical service, beefed-up insulation, plumbing, heating and air-conditioning, smooth drywall, wide-plank flooring, bathrooms, kitchen, and dual-glazed windows made up the bulk of the project, which lasted 4½ months. The result? Light abounds in every room, in every corner, yet the space remains purposely private and intimate.
Watch our video to see how the open-floor plan blurs the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces.
Each month in OCTOBER 5 STORIES, we publish an illuminating article on one of the many facets of designing and building a fine home. Choose from the articles below.
Every project has two clients: the homeowner and the building. Recognizing that both parties possess unspoken expectations of our Design/Build team, you may ask, “When does October 5’s focus shift from one client to the other?“
While Guaranteed Maximum Price Contracts have always been our go-to method of engagement, there are times when circumstances require a different solution.
The proper use of balance and symmetry turns ordinary projects into extraordinary homes. Learn what steps all fine home builders should take to reduce the unbearable noise generated by imperfection.
Learn more about the practical, real-world improvements the process of subtraction can lend to your remodel or fine home construction. We’ll look at lighting, textures, and much more.
Incorporating subtractive thinking into the design process enables fine home builders to create a home imbued with a sense of calm and purpose from the start.
There’s a healthier process for designing, budgeting, and building your dream home. It’s called Design-Build and it’s revolutionizing how fine home construction and remodels achieve success.